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5 Top Tips to Frustration-free Travel - My best blog
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5 Top Tips to Frustration-free Travel

So aim to take things of value with you throughout the day. You should keep your valuables at the bottom of your carry bag, and in an internal zip compartment if you have one. In many parts of the world credit card fraud is still rampant. Whilst you'll usually want to take a credit card with you, try to use it sparingly to lessen the chances of the number falling into the wrong hands. It's a good idea to try and pay for transportation, dining etc with cash withdrawn from an ATM. Do your best not to let your credit card leave your sight. In certain countries, over-charging tourists is common, so be cautious. For hotels, take all paperwork detailing the room type with you, to help ensure you get what you've paid for. Scams can also occur in cafe's, particularly with getting wine inferior to that which you've paid for. If in doubt query it before you consume it. If you are blatantly overcharged, stand your ground. And try to give close to exact money, so there's no opportunity for them to conveniently keep the change. In most under-developed countries, you can expect scams around every corner. From travel agencies, to people approaching you on the street. When you arrive, read the hotel information or speak to them about what dangers there may be in that area. Guidebooks will usually indicate which tour agencies don't offer products as displayed, so peruse these before spending your money. 5. Be travel safeIn many cities all over the world, you can find yourself a target for those who prey on un-wary travellers. Be sensible, do your best not to look like a tourist. Pulling out maps in the middle of the street is a clear sign you're a tourist, and an easy target. So try where possible to find a convenient spot to do this discretely, or make your plans over lunch. Waist bags worn outside your clothing are to thieves like a red-flag to a bull.

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