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Why you Should Buy a Jeep Compass?

Why you Should Buy a Jeep Compass?Author: Lisa Ziegler Despite the Jeep Compass signature features such as the seven-slot grille, round lights and four wheel drive, this Jeep is also making quite a noise at the lower end of the SUV market. Designed to attract young car buyers with age ranging from mid 20s to late 30s, the Compass is quite smaller in size compared to the other existing model in the line-up and is made to compete with the likes of Toyota’s RAV4 and Honda CR-V. At close inspection one can tell that the Compass styling is a mixture of slinky curves and chiseled angles that need to be seen in order to be appreciated.

Guys - How To Have Women Eating Out Of Your Hand - Literally!

You can tell her stories against yourself. Women really appreciate men who can laugh at themselves - but not all the time. One of the easiest ways to make her laugh is to tease her. She loves it because you are giving her attention and WOMEN LOVE ATTENTION.  If you have the opportunity - practice teasing your mother & sisters or the older women at work. It takes practice so you have to start somewhere. You say, "I don't want to get caught flirting with the older women at work". No don't flirt with them, just tease. The type of flirting you do with a NEW WOMAN is as tame as you would be with the older women at work. Practise on the tea lady or the woman behind the cafeteria counter. No matter what all the men's books on "How to be a Ladies Man" state, don't dare try outrageously flirting by  touching, stealing a kiss or wrestling with her, or  any other direct method . You cannot afford to even dare try these methods with a new woman. It won't win you brownie points; it is more likely that she will run for cover. Because you are new at this make your flirting as innocent as you would tease the older women at work. If you make friends with her, then you can flirt outrageously but not before. Even then you might lose a good friend if you overstep the mark.  Now that I've warned you about seriously flirting, remember you must flirt, but gently. No matter how gorgeous she is you can't afford to take her seriously. You must tease and be playful to get her attention.  If you haven't done your homework - PRACTISED BEFOREHAND - expect that your first few attempts may fail. Rule No. 4 Women are turned on by attention. Women love you to remember what they have told you. Women love reliable men. Men who ring when they say they will.  Did you know MEN SEE - WOMEN FEEL? It's how you make her feel that counts. Ifshe is not at all interested in you but you are fun to be with, remember what you told her yesterday and ring her when you say you will, SHE WILL CHANGE HER MIND.

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Create a Impression - Rise above the Others With Color Contact Lenses

Create a Impression - Rise above the Others With Color Contact LensesAuthor: Owen WellsIf you like to stand out from the crowd and create a bold statement regarding your personality, there are a variety of different things which you can make. There are so many ways to express yourselves; it could be through your hairstyles, your clothes and the personal effects that you use. However,But when you like to bring your statement one step ahead by truly making a big difference, why not use color contacts? Simply by emerging having different eye color with colored contact lenses, one can increase dramatization and flair to your fashion statement.

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You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as you leave the article title, author name, body and resource box in tact (means NO changes) with the links made active and you agree to our posted . Use the tools below to copy the article in plain text form, or you can copy it as HTML, ready to copy and paste directly into a web page. HTML Version: Colon Cleansing The Natural Way Using Herbal Mixtures And Teas Colon Cleansing The Natural Way Using Herbal Mixtures And Teas Author: Mark Wilkensen If you ever wonder what all of those chemicals are doing to your body, then think about all those times that you have experienced bad stomachs, cramps, gas, bloating, nausea, constipation, and any other sort of symptom such as these.