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Exploring the Medical Field as a Nurse Assistant

Exploring the Medical Field as a Nurse AssistantAuthor: Fritz PooleEmployment as a Nursing Assistant offers you a unique opportunity to explore many avenues of the medical field. You will primarily be working with the patients, their families, and the Nursing staff. However, it is not uncommon that you will have interactions with many other areas including physicians, X-Ray, surgery, specialists, and emergency staff.Since you will be working with so many types of individuals, having quality communication skills is a vital quality to have for being an effective Nursing Assistant. You will be responsible for meeting the basic needs of your patients including feedings, bathing, and dressing.

Advertising, Now That's Low

article 0059

Advertising, Now That's LowAuthor: Brian BrookerAdvertising is not a highly regarded profession. In fact, advertising ranks just a notch above used-car salesman. Some would argue that it should be the other way around. No one in the ad industry will be receiving the Nobel Peace Prize anytime soon. So why does the advertising profession get such low marks? Because as an industry, we deserve all the harsh criticism leveled at us. Throw the tomatoes. We need to do better. Every day we find new ways to let the American public down. Let's be honest. Most ads are crap.

They talk to consumers as if they are complete idiots. Ads are often condescending or unimaginative or obnoxious. TiVo exists because people don't want to sit through another barrage of erection cures featuring a middle-aged guy throwing a football through a tire swing. Most ads reflect a make-believe client world where customers go ape-shit over everyday products like toothpaste and hammers. People can smell a fake a mile away, and they don't like it. Nobody really believes that buying new-and-improved laundry detergent is going to eradicate life's biggest problems. But the ad industry hasn't seemed to notice. Some ads are misleading. One minute you think a celebrity endorses a line of crackers only to read on TMZ that Woody Allen is suing the brand for using his likeness without his permission.

Or maybe you think that pickup truck can really tow 50 telephone poles until the third viewing when you see "dramatization" in small type. Many ads are deceptive. Ever wonder why the voice-over guy talks so fast in the disclaimer copy at the end of the commercial? Maybe there's something he doesn't really want us to know. Like how much those cell phone minutes are really going to cost.

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The Time to Get Out of a Bad Relationship is Now

The Time to Get Out of a Bad Relationship is NowAuthor: John VespasianPeople become discouraged and despondent in relationships because, at a certain moment, they believe that they have no options. This is not true, unless you suffer from terminal illness and you have no time left. Wherever you live, whatever your occupation, alternatives exist to bad relationships. An active mind is a precious treasure that is given to every human. If you doubt this, look at children.

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